Vedic Chyawanprash

Vedic Chyawanprash is made from organic herbs and fruits. It comprises of : Amla, Patala, Agnimantha, Gambhari, Bilva, Shyonaka, Gokshura, Shalaparni, Brihat, Kantakari, Pippali, Karkatshringi, Draksha, Guduchi, Haritaki, Bala, Tamalaki, Vasa, Jiwanti, Shati Musta, Pushkara, Kakanasika, Mudgaparni, Mashaparni, Vidari, Bulbifera, Meda, Mahameda, Jivaka, Rishabhak, Kshir Kakoli, Ghrita, Vamsha, Tvak, Sukshamaila, Tvakpatra, Nagkesara, Bhrak Bhasma, Mukta Pishti, Akarkarabha, Lavanga, Kumkum, Sesame Oil and Honey. Vedic Chyawanprash is a combination of 49 herbs and 5 other ingredients. It is less sweet than other such products to increase its nutritional value and be less on calories. It is a 5000 year old Ayurvedic formula in the form of a multi-herbal jam.


  • Vedic Chyawanprash is rich in antioxidants, immunity-boosting and healing herbs.
  • Chyawanprash is known to ease out occasional constipation and promotes elimination without taxing the urinary system.
  • The ingredients in Chyawanprash promote healthy muscle mass by supporting protein synthesis and the absorption of nutrients.
  • Chyawanprash promotes the strengthening of memory due to its high anti-oxidant activity.
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